Price list

Total 21 properties: 0 sold, 0 reserved, 21 available

Section 1

First Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 21 bedroom60.96€54 254€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 32 bedrooms90.11€80 198€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 41 bedroom59.86€53 275€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 52 bedrooms83.08€73 941€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property area.

Second Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 72 bedrooms90.11€80 198€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 81 bedroom59.86€53 275€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 92 bedrooms92.13€81 996€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property area.

Third Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 101 bedroom60.96€54 254€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 112 bedrooms90.11€80 198€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property area.

Fourth Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 141 bedroom60.96€54 254€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 152 bedrooms90.11€80 198€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 161 bedroom59.86€53 275€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 172 bedrooms92.13€81 996€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property area.

Fifth Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 181 bedroom60.96€54 254€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 192 bedrooms90.11€80 198€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property area.

Sixth Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 241 bedroom59.86€53 275€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 252 bedrooms92.13€81 996€890 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property area.

Seventh Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 261 bedroom60.96€57 912€950 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property area.

Ninth Floor

#TypeSize (m²)PricePrice/sq.m*StatusArchitectural plan
# 321 bedroom60.96€57 912€950 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 332 bedrooms90.11€85 605€950 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).
# 341 bedroom70.25€66 738€950 AVAILABLE
Layout: (actual size + common parts).

* Price/sq.m – this is the lowest offer price, divided by the property area.