Development land for sale near Sevlievo

Property type
Development land
(Land, Other property)

in the area of Sevlievo / Bulgaria

Total area
1140 sq.m

1140 sq.m

  6 €/sq.m

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200 km

Last update


Distance from the property to major attractions
  • Airport Sofia (SOF): 200 km
Views from the property
  • Forest views
  • Hills views
  • Meadow views
  • Mountain views
  • Village views
Information about the property
  • Electricity
  • Communal water supply
  • On asphalt road
  • Food shops nearby

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For sale a regulated plot of land in the village of Sennik with an area of 1140 m2. The plot is flat and with a regular shape, suitable for residential construction. Convenient year-round access. It borders on sewerage, water supply and electricity network. The village is only 7 km from Sevlievo, on the road to Troyan and Apriltsi, very well arranged, town hall, shops and convenient public transport to neighboring towns and villages.

We are ready to organize a viewing of this property at a time convenient for you. Please contact the responsible estate agent and inform them when you would like to have viewings arranged. We can also help you with flight tickets and hotel booking, as well as with travel insurance.

Property reservation
You can reserve this property with a non-refundable deposit of 2,000 Euro, payable by credit card or by bank transfer to our company bank account. After receiving the deposit the property will be marked as reserved, no further viewings will be carried out with other potential buyers, and we will start the preparation of the necessary documents for completion of the deal. Please contact the responsible estate agent for more information about the purchase procedure and the payment methods.

After sale services
We are a reputable company with many years of experience in the real estate business. Thus, we will be with you not only during the purchase process, but also after the deal is completed, providing you with a wide range of additional services tailored to your requirements and needs, so that you can fully enjoy your property in Bulgaria. The after sale services we offer include property insurance, construction and repair works, furniture, accounting and legal assistance, renewal of contracts for electricity, water, telephone and many more.
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This is the approximate location of the property. Please get in contact with us to learn its exact location.

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